Rail Network

Cargo Capacity
The railroad network in Iowa connects people and goods to places across the country and even to other countries. This system is always changing, influenced by the state's size, financial situations, and competition with other transportation methods.
Railroads only make up about three percent of Iowa's freight network, but they carry around nine percent of the state's freight tonnage. Railroads play a big part in moving large amounts of goods produced and used in Iowa to local processors, livestock farms, river terminals, and ports for export. Because railroads can carry large loads over long distances at low costs, they are key to moving goods and boosting Iowa's economy. Railroad service in Iowa keeps changing as companies try to cut transportation costs and work more efficiently.
Railroads in Iowa shipped 63.1 million tons of freight and received 29.3 million tons of freight for a total of 92.4 million tons of freight moved by rail in 2022.