About the project
The Iowa DOT, in coordination with the city of Arnold’s Park and Okoboji, will replace the pavement on U.S. 71 from Okoboji Grove Road in Arnolds Park through Okoboji View Avenue in Okoboji.
The project will include the replacement of the barrier rail that separates motorists from pedestrians on the causeway.
Cedar Valley Corp. of Waterloo was awarded the $19,616,385.33 contract.
Traffic impacts
U.S. 71 through traffic will be detoured to Iowa 86 and Iowa 9. One lane in each direction will be maintained most times on U.S. 71 in Arnolds Park and Okoboji.
Most intersection construction will be half at a time, to avoid closure of the entire intersection.
All reconstruction will occur during the spring and fall seasons to minimize disruption during the area’s peak activity and tourism season.
Project Features
- Sidewalks throughout the project area will be improved with enhanced intersections compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- The area's overall look will be enhanced by embellishments incorporated in the causeway barrier rail and the space between the road and the barrier rail.

- New traffic signals will be added at Lake Street and Linden Street in Arnolds Park.
- The three-lane section of U.S. 71 was extended south of Lake Street.